GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS)
Contract Number: 47QRCA24DW138 - Women-Owned Small Business
Period of Performance: September 30 2024 through September 29 2029; option end date of June 30 2034
Contract Number: 47QRCA25DS508 - Small Business
Period of Performance: December 19 2024 through September 29 2029; option end date of June 30 2034
Authorized Users: Authorized Government Contractors
GSA OASIS+ is a government-wide contract vehicle that provides government agencies with total integrated solutions for a multitude of services-based requirements on a global basis. These services requirements may call for solutions that cross multiple disciplines, including ancillary support, and may be commercial and/or non-commercial. GSA OASIS+ task orders allow a variety of contract types including fixed price, cost reimbursement, time and materials/labor hour, or a hybrid mix of contract types.
Filius provides services in the following domains:
Technical and Engineering:
This domain includes requirements to provide specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills, such as those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, required to handle specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the Government. Work under this domain typically involves the application of physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems; and providing expert advice and assistance on technical functions and issues.
Services on this domain include comprehensive logistics solutions, including planning and designing, implementing, or operating systems or facilities for the movement of supplies, equipment, or people by road, air, water, rail, or pipeline.
Ancillary support services are defined as integral and necessary to complete a total integrated solution under a requirement within the scope of the Master Contract. Sub-areas include, but are not limited to, professional and/or non-professional services, commercial and/or non-commercial items, products, equipment (leased or purchased), information technology (IT) services and/or components, administrative support, data entry, and subject matter expertise.